Went to the hospital yesterday for my appointment to get my blood test done. What can I say?.... Well let’s just say it was an ‘experience’. I arrived a good 10-15 mins before my appointment time, gave my form to the lady on the reception desk and took a seat in the waiting area... as you do. I was barely sat down 2 mins when they called me in. Oooh great I thought, will get this over with sooner than I expected.... How wrong was I?
Now, it’s funny really because as soon as I saw the lady who called me in and who was to take my bloods, I had a feeling I wouldn’t ’take’ to her. Sorry if that sounds judgemental or whatever, but you know when you can just tell whether or not you’re going to get on with someone... I have a good sixth sense in many ways (no I don‘t mean psychic lol), I mean I’m not just a good judge of character. Anyway, I went into the cubicle where I tried to explain my circumstances and my condition to the nurse, but to put it bluntly the nurse was too busy faffing around and didn’t show any signs that she was listening. I tried again, but nothing. She had me sit down, I tried to tell her how nervous I was and she said “ ok, is it because you’ve had a bad experience in the past?” I said “you could say that” I then went on to try and explain the problems I have when having bloods done because of my skin condition. I also went on to tell her that I’m not that fond of needles too, to which she replied “I'm the same when I go to the dentist” She had me roll my sleeve up took one look at my arm (the inside of my elbow area) and said “Oooh I can’t get it from there”. I was thinking... “that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you” and then she went straight for the vein which was clearly visable on my left arm - which incidentally is the very arm that the nurse tried to get blood from last week and it caused a bruise, (I’m not used to bruises myself again due to my Ichthyosis so it was really painful for me as the skin in that particular area is very thin). It wasn't the nurses fault though, it's just one of those things.
Again I kept trying to tell her that it was still bruised from last week, so was still very tender yet she still insisted on taking the blood from that arm. She just looked at me and said “ Ah, but there’s a good vein there” and I said “Yes I know, but it’s bruised, and the nurse who tried to get bloods from there last week managed to get some, but then it just stopped flowing”. She then said “the bruise is underneath” Then she looked at me as if I was trying to say she couldn’t do her job which I most definitely wasn’t, in fact I hardly even spoke as I didn't get the chance. It was very clear to me from the moment I walked into that cubicle that this particular nurse just wanted me in and out and then to get on with whatever else it was she needed to do. But without trying to sound like a complete wimp and yes I know that some of it is my own fault because of the experiences I’ve had as regards needles over the years (and there has been a LOT). I do tend to get worked up and upset and nervous, but as far as I’m concerned I think I’ve got every reason to be. And most doctors and nurses I’ve come into contact with who have treated me for whatever, have been very sympathetic, patient and have helped to reassure me and make me feel as comfortable as possible. The thing is, I can’t be rushed, not just because of my ‘fear’ but because I know my condition and I know that just because there’s a ‘good vein’ there, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to get anything out of it. And that was the point I was trying to get across to the nurse but to no avail. She took everything I tried to say the wrong way, was very patronising and even looked at me as if she didn’t believe what I was saying about my condition. She looked at me in this way after a comment she made, she said “now come on, it doesn’t hurt you know” I said “ well actually yes it does hurt with my condition because my skin is very thin there” and she just gave me this look as if to say ‘yeah right ok whatever’.
By this point I started to get upset, and she went on to say “Now come on you’re getting yourself all worked up now” and that was it, I just burst into tears.. .. Hmmmm I wonder why!! She just made me feel like I’d been called into the headteacher’s office to be told off for something I’d not done it was awful. I was all for getting it over and done with, and she tried three times. But every time she went near me with the needle it was really painful because of the bruise. So she just said “No sorry I can’t do it, it’s not safe, you keep moving". So when she said that she couldn’t do it, I got even more upset. She said “You’ll have to come another time, we’ve got other patients to see” which confirmed my initial feeling that I was on a conveyor belt system. She even asked another nurse to help, I’m guessing to come and talk to me to try and take my mind off things while she took the bloods, but the other nurse said “Has she not got anyone with her? I can’t help you I’ve got this to do then I’ve got 2 patients to see”.
I’m sorry but whenever I go to the hospital, to the docs etc I, like everyone else have to wait. I’m not asking for priority treatment here, all I wanted was some compassion, some sensitivity etc. I certainly wasn’t planning on telling the nurse my life story but she NEEDED to know about my condition and my situation with having bloods taken. I did also initially try to explain to her that the lady I spoke to on the phone when I made my appointment told me to inform whoever was taking my bloods about my condition, but she just sort of blanked me. After the last attempt she did at taking the bloods she sat on her chair and as I was trying to talk through the tears after her upsetting me by her general ignorance, she looked straight at me and said “It’s not ME!” pointing to herself. I though well thanks a lot, I’m sorry to be such of an inconvenience to you. To my knowledge I assumed that when I first phoned up and made the appointment the lady had written down my details, including the name of my condition as she asked me to spell it for her.... Maybe I was wrong to make such an assumption. Both the women I spoke to on the phone when I made the appointment were really nice, and reassuring I really couldn’t fault them.
The nurse once again said “you’d better make another appointment on your way out” I said “No, I don’t think so. What’s the point because the same will happen again , my condition isn’t going to change between now and then” “well you’ll have to see your doctor then” I said “Don’t worry I will and I’ll make sure he knows about all this” after which I stormed out, in tears calling the nurse a stupid cow as I went through the waiting room.... Oopsies!! Sooo NOT like me!!! I was shaking like a leaf afterwards.
So, here’s me trying to be brave etc, and the woman didn’t even give me chance to take a deep breath before she tried to put the needle in. I’ve got more compassion in my little toe than she has in her entire body, she’s in the wrong job if you ask me. I mean yes, I understand that the nurses etc deal with patients with phobias everyday and that they’re really good at their job and I don’t doubt that for a second, but my point is everyone (patients) is different and they should take that into account when dealing with such patients. I was sooo angry and upset that I felt like getting onto the phone to my GP and telling him about what had happened. I also felt close to reporting her because of the way she made me feel, she made me feel like nothing, like I was ‘just another patient‘ (and yes I know I am just another patient to an extent) and she made me feel like the whole thing was my fault and my fault alone.
I phoned my hubby to come and pick me up as he’d dropped me off (again I wanted to try and be brave and go on my own) and he went with our little boy into town. I told him all about what happened on the way back into town, and he said it was a good job he wasn’t there really as he would’ve said something... Ooo-eck! lol We went back into town as I wanted to see my GP as soon as possible and to inform him of what happened. I managed to get an appointment with him for tomorrow (Wed 24th Feb) and the receptionist wrote down what it was all for etc. And she said she’d put me down for my GP to do my bloods for me (well to try anyway).
My GP is great though, he’s one of the best doctor’s I’ve ever seen and he always makes sure I have all the treatments I need etc. He’s seen my condition at it’s worst, and always tells me ‘if you’ve any problems, if there’s anything I can do just call.’ So I’ll just have to see what happens tomorrow. I think if anything I’ll probably feel more relaxed with my own GP doing the blood test therefore, hopefully more chance of him actually getting some.
What a day though!!! Talk about stress! Not long after I got home, I started with a big blister above my knee, which was really quite painful when I stood up and tried to straighten my knee or walk. I quickly started to feel off colour, feeling sick and underneath the blister felt like it was on fire. It was burning up. I ended up having an early night and slept right through. I was hoping I could take Daniel to the teddy club (toddler group) in the morning but I wasn’t feeling well enough. Just goes to show just how much an experience like the one I had at the hospital can take out of you. It might not seem much to some people but to me it was a big deal, by that I mean it took a lot out of me. I was just glad to get home.